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 Music "Nitijyouno kinenbi (an everyday memorial day)" was released on December 29, 2014.  OKMusic of KUSARI

Music "Hikari (A ray of light.)" was released on June 29, 2014.

Muzie of KUSARI.

Music "Jiyuuheno Tubasa (Wings to Freedom.)" was released on Octber 29, 2013.

Muzie of KUSARI.

Music "Munenihibiku (Your mind is

moved.)" was released on July 24, 2013.

Muzie of KUSARI.

July 6,2013. "KUSARI" live at "Gypsy house".

CD "Kiminimukau Kotonoha" is released on July 6, 2013.

May 27,2013. "" changed the design of the homepage.

May 24. Released CD jacket of "kiminimukau kotonoha" on the discography page. Discography page

KUSARI installed a "whim diary" column in the top page.

Music "Kotonoha (Words)" was released on March 7,2013.

Muzie of KUSARI.

Music "Harunosanpomiti (A promenade of the spring)" was released on June 26,2012.

Muzie of KUSARI.

MySpace of KUSARI.

Music"Kiminimukau" (I go to you) was updated on April 19,2012.

Muzie of KUSARI.

MySpace of KUSARI.

"KUSARI" took part in the "muzie" of the music community site.

Muzie of KUSARI.

Music "Tamashii komete (With all souls and,)" was updated on March 9, 2012.

MySpace of KUSARI.

Music"Arifureta mainiti (Common every day.)" was updated on January 23,2012.

MySpace of KUSARI.

Music"Yumenototyuu (In the middle of a dream)" was updated on November 15,2011

MySpace of KUSARI.

Music " Hikari (A ray of light)" was updated on June 24,2011

MySpace of KUSARI.

New song "Haruno sanpomiti(A promenade of the spring)" I showed , on May 24, 2010.

MySpace of KUSARI.

On Sunday, October 29, 2009,The address on this website was changed to "".

On Sunday, October 4, 2009, KUSARI participated in MySpace.

MySpace of KUSARI. This is MySpace of KUSARI.

On Tuesday, September 29, 2009, I mentioned it in a message board about "Aishiauhibi"("days to love").

On Saturday, May 9, 2009, I showed "Kimini mukau"("I go to you") at the audition room.

On Sunday, February 8, 2009, a full chorus showed "Hikari"("A ray of light") at the audition room.

On Sunday, December 7, 2008, I showed "Arifureta mainiti"("common every day") to the audition room.

On Wednesday, July 30, 2008, I showed "Yumenototyuu"("In the middle of a dream") to the audition room.

On Saturday, February 23, 2008, I showed "Tamashii komete"("With all souls and,") to the audition room.

I showed "Nitijyouno kinenbi"("an everyday memorial day") and the new version of "Tokinowa"("the ring of time").

I showed "Akogareno mirai"("the longed-for future") at the audition room.

I showed "Munenihibiku" ("affect heart") to the audition room.

I showed a "Hikari"("A ray of light") BASIC truck at the audition room.

I showed a text of "Hikari"("A ray of light").

Website of "KUSARI" was released on Sunday,April 23, 2006. KUSARI tuusinkyoku

The activity of "KUSARI" started on April 23, 2006.

[News] [Biography] [Discography] [Music] [Live] [SNS(MySpace&Muzie)] [Links]

Copyright(c) KUSARI Nishimura. All rights reserved.